The construction of Hainan Free Trade Port is a key milestone in 2020, with China’s highest level of openness and the country’s only free trade port expected to usher in unprecedented business opportunities in Hainan. Hainan Government have identified 11 key parks including Fullsing Internet Industrial Park as key incubators for the implementation of Free Trade Port policies.

Fullsing Internet Industrial Park is established by Fullsing Group (Hainan Province's well-known industrial investment and park operation management private enterprise), launched in 2015 when China released the national strategies of "Internet +" and "Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation". Led by digital economy, there are four industrial clusters of digital economy industry developed in Fullsing Internet Industry Park: intelligent Internet of Things, digital trade, financial technology and international offshore. Fullsing Internet Industry Park is devided into district 1: Fullsing Internet Innovation Base and district 2: West-Coast Internet Headquarters Base.
Fullsing Internet innovation and entrepreneurship base includes incubation zone, acceleration zone, leading zone and international offshore zone, which introduced over 2000 headquarter enterprises,SMEs and international innovation institutions, such as Alibaba, PWC, iQIYI and ByteDance. It has built an internet innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem integrating incubator, venture capital fund, international offshore and public service.
  • In the center of three gardens, next to Haikou Bay
  • Seaside cycling/jogging tracks, basketball courts, football fields and golf course
  • Over 1000 parking spaces
  • Supporting commercial facilities
  • Near Hainan University,with more than 30,000 students
Fullsing International Digital Port
Fullsing International Digital Port takes institutional innovation and industrial innovation as the breakthrough point, and adopts the industrial structure of “5+1” (5 centers: Offshore Data Center, Fintech Demonstration Center, Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things Application Center, Internet Medical Center, Green Energy Application Center; 1 platform: one-stop service platform for international talents of free trade port). It centers on the industrial positioning to build an international community park integrating production, education, research, housing and entertainment, and form a new window for the open and innovative development of the free trade zone (port) with international business environment and Hainan's characteristic competitiveness.
The park is located in the south area of the municipal government in Haikou, and is surrounded by 9 venues, including Central Park, Wuyuanhe National Wetland Park, Wuyuanhe Gymnasium, Science and Technology Museum, Library, Oceanography Museum and Cultural Center.